Showing posts with label kiln. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kiln. Show all posts

Monday, August 15, 2011

Before and After...

As promised, I am sharing the before and after photos of a recent paisley textured vase. I must say I was a little disappointed with the final piece. It is very nice, and there is nothing wrong with it, at all, in fact technically, it is one of my best. But, all along the process, I thought the clay was lighter! I glazed it and expected one outcome, and low and behold the finished product was much darker than I had envisioned. The glazes that I chose were subtle, and therefore are not as dramatic as I had thought they would have been on a lighter clay.

It is all a part of the process. I just forgot that I had used this particular clay on this piece. All a part of the ongoing learning curve.

I think with pottery, the curve goes on....and on....and on.....

Friday, March 11, 2011

First Show of 2011

Well, we got our feet wet for 2011. We were at a great fine arts show last weekend and it was a nice success. It was our best spring show yet. So we are optimistic about the rest of 2011. We are in the process of submitting applications for a number of shows. There are a number of new show venues that we are trying this year, and based on how we did last week, we are headed in the right direction!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Notes to Self...

Well, I have some time on my hands as storm #2 begins to pound away outside. Unfortunately, due to a LOT of snow I haven't been able to get much pottery done. My first show of 2010 is March 20th, and I am realizing, that that is just not that far away.

Things in general have started "OK". Some wheel work went surprisingly well, but seriously, it is so hard to work without hot water and have to rely on a hose in 30 degree weather.

Oh, well, potters are notorious for being independent problem solvers, so I guess I glided through that issue and have the bowls to prove it!

On the down side, I had been in LOVE with a very flowing glaze combination that when done looked like a river! I thought I would give it a go on a verticle piece. Note to self, when a glaze looks "flowing" it is probably because it DOES. Luckily, I have found a great use for the pot as a brush holder. I get to enjoy it, and have learned from it at the same time.

My dog Billy is getting old. what can I say, he was a rescue, we love him, we are keeping him company but there will be no heroics, just a sweet, loving goodbye when the time comes. I have had 7 dogs, some for more than 15 years each. I think it is very interesting that the ones that I have had since birth are the ones which have really bonded with me and my husband. Just an observation.

Billy is a funny guy. He doesn't bark. He was abused before we got him and trained to go outside right after he eats, but when he needs to go outside, he will just stand by the door, not saying a thing! Note to self, don't go to the studio to work after feeding the dog...remember to let him out! And yet, he survives us!

Here is that pot I glazed vertically and the evidence of my mistake. Live and learn! Hopefully, when this snow finally ends, I will be able to get back to the mud big time. I am beginning once again to feel the pressure!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Welcome Back!

No Mr. Kotter is not coming by to say hi. It has been too busy of a year. But summer is winding down, kids will be back in school, and I will be hitting the mud HARD.

I just updated my events schedule for the rest of the year, you can check out where I will be at

I also decided I would give Etsy a try. Many people ask if I have a local shop, when I say "no", then they usually follow with "you need to be on Etsy".

SO, I took their advise and have expanded my "computering" and have just created an Etsy shop. You can check that out at

Well, now on to "pot news".

Not sure if I mentioned that I started taking a class in the wheel in Feburary. More of a stop in a chat type thing. But I got to play with mud while it went AROUND in a circle. COOL!!

My teacher was patient, but didn't "get" what I was trying to do. Fortunately, people at my shows "get" it and the wheel items have been flying off the table.

SO, my wonderfully supportive husband of 24 year (and counting) decided I "needed" to get my own. So, I am now the proud owner of a Pacifica GT400. LOVE,LOVE,LOVE this wheel.

I have also expanded my handbuilding to include some new and interesting pieces, including unique communion plates and goblets.

I will post more pictures soon.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Slow Lane...

Well, both kids were sick this week which slowed my progress down quite a bit. After finally becoming healthy myself, it has been hard to get back to the studio and then have to walk back into the slow lane with sick kids. One project I worked on over the winter was to create a sort of photo book of pieces I have liked. I have been reviewing the "book" and am remembering that some of these pieces really did turn out well. I am going to try and recreate them again. Recreating is always problematic, with clay, you NEVER get the same result twice, NEVER. But at least I have some ideas to go with.

The big kiln is loaded with several shelves of underglazed pieces. LOTS of flowers and light colors which is lovely to see as the temperature is steady at 33 degrees with a stiff wind chill.

As I walk my property, I am beginning to see the coming of Spring. My rose bushes have begun to sprout small red shoots off the branches signaling what is to come. I cut my first flower this week, a crocus. It was nice to have it inside at the kitchen sink.

Well, I have enough ideas to keep things going for a while.

Even if I only get out there for an hour a day, I am certain I will get that kiln loaded soon!