Had lunch with a new friend yesterday. We seemed to "just click". I have found in this second half of my life, that friends are hard to come by, and not always what they appear. So, I am thankful for a new one that comes into my life, and hopeful that old ones stay near, and dear.
Pottery is also a relatively new friend. A place to loose myself from the day to day. A place to create something that is all my own. A place to be daring and try things I would never have imagined I could do. A place to be hopeful and peaceful.
Combinations of glazes are like friends to me. Some have become constant and abiding. Some are fickle and are only there under the best of conditions. Some seem to return only during the worst of kiln runs and then disappear.
I have learned that glaze combinations, like friends, are unique. They live within the parameters of their relationships, sometimes they expand, sometimes contract, but that the basics of the relationships are constant. Old combinations loose their value as talent and experience move forward. But those old combinations are the important building blocks for all the new ones.
So to my friends, both human and chemical, I say thanks for being in my life. You are valued, you are needed, and I truly appreciate our time together.