The snow here in Virginia has finally stopped falling. When all was said and done, we actually made out better than most. We only lost power for a couple of days, and our satellite was only out for a few days as well. We were able to get out between the two storms and "resupply" with food and fuel. On the down side, I honestly don't think I have shovelled that much snow in almost 30 years! Yikes! Showing my age now. At one point my husband and I were shovelling together for a few hours and we stopped to take a break. He said, "you know, my mother called earlier and reminded me that I am not too young to have a heart attack." As I have my own chronic lung issues to deal with I reminded him about my possible demise as well. We both laughed and got back to shovelling.
It took us about 20 hours to clear most of our driveway. We live about 1/2 mile off a road and have a small tractor that does a great job. The biggest problem was where to physically put the snow! We ran out of space, and so, about 1/4 of the driveway, the last part up to the house, is still covered, but passable with our 4WD vehicle.
So, you are wondering, what in the world does this have to do with pottery?
WELL, I was able to get one kiln full of pottery completed while I tip toe-ed through the snow flakes. I had promised myself that I would try new combinations that I had been wondering about all winter, and I did it! I did more test tiles which are really starting to add up to an interesting and extremely helpful collection. And, I confirmed, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that one glaze in particular, no matter what I pair it with is useless.
So, it is February 17th, and my first show is March 20th. In potter's time, that is not a lot of time. But I am feeling the urge for mud, and enjoying making a lot of pieces with floral, lighter glazes, and some funky stuff thrown in for interest.
I will post again after this next kiln full is completed with more to share about what works and what is just plain awful at Big Dog Pots.